Tuesday, October 28, 2008

God uses each and every one of us~~

today....i want to share something....
it's gonna be something veri short....but i think it's worth sharing~~
i found out that speaks through us even if we're old or young....
it started out when my dad ask me to find a certain song....
so i thought of finding it at www.godtube.com....
while i was searching for the song.....i came across a video...
it's called Baby Preacher.....at first i thought it was something funny...
so i decided to watch....
after i watch.....i felt that God is awesome......He speaks to us through many different ways....
even if we're too young or too old....
that baby.....he has the courage to go up the stage....in front of so many people...and shout "I'm strong!! I'm great!!" 

it really showed me the wonderous way of God's love....
through a baby not more than 7 years old......He gave me an important lesson....that is no matter whats our age is.....we can spread the Gospel of GOD......

for those interested in the video...
here's the link....

Thank yOu

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