Wednesday, November 26, 2008

too young to make a difference?

i was surfing Yahoo when i came across this vid.....
it was a video about the legacy of someone....
its not someone old or might....
its someone like us...normal
what makes it even more unbelievable is....
that person is only 11 years old....
that boy is Brenden Foster...
a normal teenage boy who was diagnosed with leukemia....

I was touched by the spirit of this young boy...
he could wish for anything...
he could wish for a PS3, a computer, or something else more expensive....
but instead....he wished to feed the homeless.......

he might not have the financial or the power to do it....
but....just his thought of helping the homeless...
made everyone dig deep into their pockets to make sure Brenden's dying wish come true....

It really made me think....
a boy...not more than 12 years old....
did something that most of could not accomplish in our life....

I Salute You
Brenden Foster

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